S | M | T | W | T | F | S |
18 |
 [location] => City Council Chamber, Revere City Hall
 [id] => 6511
 [isFeatured] => 0
 [title] => License Commission Meeting
 [description] => <p><a href="https://bcms-files.s3.amazonaws.com/GB7r14nbKy-1182/docs/License/2023%20Agendas/Agenda-1-18-23.pdf">AGENDA</a></p>
 [createdOnDate] => January 13, 2023
 [createdOnTime] => 12:12 PM
 [createdOnTimestamp] => 1673629976
 [createdByUser] => Array
 [firstName] => Maggie
 [lastName] => Haney
 [fullName] => Maggie Haney
 [profileImage] => 
 [email] => mhaney@revere.org
 [website] => https://www.revere.org

 [createdByType] => admin
 [updatedOnDate] => January 13, 2023
 [updatedOnTime] => 12:17 PM
 [updatedOnTimestamp] => 1673630259
 [updatedByUser] => Array
 [firstName] => Maggie
 [lastName] => Haney
 [fullName] => Maggie Haney
 [profileImage] => 
 [email] => mhaney@revere.org
 [website] => https://www.revere.org

 [updatedByType] => admin
 [publishedOnDate] => January 13, 2023
 [publishedOnTime] => 12:11 PM
 [publishedOnTimestamp] => 1673629860
 [expiresOnDate] => Not Available
 [expiresOnTime] => Not Available
 [expiresOnTimestamp] => 0
 [categories] => Array
 [33] => Array
 [id] => 33
 [categoryName] => Public Meeting
 [name] => Public Meeting
 [url_key] => public-meeting
 [parentId] => 0
 [description] => 
 [image] => 
 [createdOnDate] => April 11, 2019
 [createdOnTime] => 9:53 AM
 [createdOnTimestamp] => 1554990797
 [createdByUser] => Array
 [firstName] => Reuben
 [lastName] => Kantor
 [fullName] => Reuben Kantor
 [profileImage] => 
 [email] => rkantor@revere.org
 [website] => https://www.revere.org

 [createdByType] => admin
 [updatedOnDate] => April 11, 2019
 [updatedOnTime] => 9:53 AM
 [updatedOnTimestamp] => 1554990797
 [updatedByUser] => Array
 [firstName] => Reuben
 [lastName] => Kantor
 [fullName] => Reuben Kantor
 [profileImage] => 
 [email] => rkantor@revere.org
 [website] => https://www.revere.org

 [updatedByType] => admin
 [url] => /calendar/category/public-meeting


 [categoryCount] => 1
 [repeats] => 
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 [end] => 5:00 PM
 [endTimestamp] => 1674079200
 [start] => 3:00 PM
 [startTimestamp] => 1674072000
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 [isAllDay] => 
 [isStartEnd] => 1
 [isStartOnly] => 
 [isTba] => 
 [isNoTime] => 

 [dateIsAfterStartDate] => 
 [dateTimestamp] => 1674072000
 [date] => January 18, 2023
 [startDateTimestamp] => 1674072000
 [startDate] => January 18, 2023
 [endDateTimestamp] => 1674079200
 [endDate] => January 18, 2023
 [spansMultipleDays] => 
 [isMultiDay] => 
 [url] => /calendar/event/6511
 [icalUrl] => /calendar/feed/event-ical/id/6511
 [hasRegistration] => 
 [isPastEvent] => 1
 [isToday] => 

January 18, 2023
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
City Council Chamber, Revere City Hall
 [location] => Remote participation via Zoom.
 [id] => 6478
 [isFeatured] => 0
 [title] => CDBG 2022 Amendment Public Hearing
 [description] => <p>Register here: <a href="http://www.revere.org/cdbg2022">www.revere.org/cdbg2022</a></p> 
<p>See the <a href="https://bcms-files.s3.amazonaws.com/GB7r14nbKy-1182/docs/ComDev/Amendment-Public-Hearing-Notice-FY-2022.docx">public hearing notice</a> for further details/se puede ver el <a href="https://bcms-files.s3.amazonaws.com/GB7r14nbKy-1182/docs/ComDev/Public-Hearing-Notice_SP-3.docx">aviso de audiencia pú;blica</a> para má;s detalles.</p>
 [createdOnDate] => January 9, 2023
 [createdOnTime] => 12:21 PM
 [createdOnTimestamp] => 1673284903
 [createdByUser] => Array
 [firstName] => Danielle
 [lastName] => Osterman
 [fullName] => Danielle Osterman
 [profileImage] => 
 [email] => dosterman@revere.org
 [website] => https://www.revere.org

 [createdByType] => admin
 [updatedOnDate] => January 9, 2023
 [updatedOnTime] => 1:37 PM
 [updatedOnTimestamp] => 1673289462
 [updatedByUser] => Array
 [firstName] => Danielle
 [lastName] => Osterman
 [fullName] => Danielle Osterman
 [profileImage] => 
 [email] => dosterman@revere.org
 [website] => https://www.revere.org

 [updatedByType] => admin
 [publishedOnDate] => January 9, 2023
 [publishedOnTime] => 12:18 PM
 [publishedOnTimestamp] => 1673284680
 [expiresOnDate] => Not Available
 [expiresOnTime] => Not Available
 [expiresOnTimestamp] => 0
 [categories] => Array

 [categoryCount] => 0
 [repeats] => 
 [time] => Array
 [start] => 5:30 PM
 [startTimestamp] => 1674081000
 [type] => start
 [isAllDay] => 
 [isStartEnd] => 
 [isStartOnly] => 1
 [isTba] => 
 [isNoTime] => 

 [dateIsAfterStartDate] => 
 [dateTimestamp] => 1674081000
 [date] => January 18, 2023
 [startDateTimestamp] => 1674081000
 [startDate] => January 18, 2023
 [endDateTimestamp] => 1674081000
 [endDate] => January 18, 2023
 [spansMultipleDays] => 
 [isMultiDay] => 
 [url] => /calendar/event/6478
 [icalUrl] => /calendar/feed/event-ical/id/6478
 [hasRegistration] => 
 [isPastEvent] => 1
 [isToday] => 

 [location] => 2nd Floor Council Chambers<br>Revere City Hall<br>281 Broadway, Revere, MA 02151
 [id] => 6510
 [isFeatured] => 0
 [title] => Parking Advisory Committee Public Meeting
 [description] => <p><a href="https://bcms-files.s3.amazonaws.com/GB7r14nbKy-1182/docs/Calendar/01182023PAC.pdf">AGENDA</a></p>
 [createdOnDate] => January 13, 2023
 [createdOnTime] => 9:41 AM
 [createdOnTimestamp] => 1673620868
 [createdByUser] => Array
 [firstName] => Jada
 [lastName] => Bianchi
 [fullName] => Jada Bianchi
 [profileImage] => 
 [email] => jbianchi@revere.org
 [website] => https://www.revere.org

 [createdByType] => admin
 [updatedOnDate] => January 13, 2023
 [updatedOnTime] => 9:41 AM
 [updatedOnTimestamp] => 1673620868
 [updatedByUser] => Array
 [firstName] => Jada
 [lastName] => Bianchi
 [fullName] => Jada Bianchi
 [profileImage] => 
 [email] => jbianchi@revere.org
 [website] => https://www.revere.org

 [updatedByType] => admin
 [publishedOnDate] => January 13, 2023
 [publishedOnTime] => 9:39 AM
 [publishedOnTimestamp] => 1673620740
 [expiresOnDate] => Not Available
 [expiresOnTime] => Not Available
 [expiresOnTimestamp] => 0
 [categories] => Array
 [33] => Array
 [id] => 33
 [categoryName] => Public Meeting
 [name] => Public Meeting
 [url_key] => public-meeting
 [parentId] => 0
 [description] => 
 [image] => 
 [createdOnDate] => April 11, 2019
 [createdOnTime] => 9:53 AM
 [createdOnTimestamp] => 1554990797
 [createdByUser] => Array
 [firstName] => Reuben
 [lastName] => Kantor
 [fullName] => Reuben Kantor
 [profileImage] => 
 [email] => rkantor@revere.org
 [website] => https://www.revere.org

 [createdByType] => admin
 [updatedOnDate] => April 11, 2019
 [updatedOnTime] => 9:53 AM
 [updatedOnTimestamp] => 1554990797
 [updatedByUser] => Array
 [firstName] => Reuben
 [lastName] => Kantor
 [fullName] => Reuben Kantor
 [profileImage] => 
 [email] => rkantor@revere.org
 [website] => https://www.revere.org

 [updatedByType] => admin
 [url] => /calendar/category/public-meeting


 [categoryCount] => 1
 [repeats] => 
 [time] => Array
 [end] => 7:00 PM
 [endTimestamp] => 1674086400
 [start] => 6:00 PM
 [startTimestamp] => 1674082800
 [type] => timed
 [isAllDay] => 
 [isStartEnd] => 1
 [isStartOnly] => 
 [isTba] => 
 [isNoTime] => 

 [dateIsAfterStartDate] => 
 [dateTimestamp] => 1674082800
 [date] => January 18, 2023
 [startDateTimestamp] => 1674082800
 [startDate] => January 18, 2023
 [endDateTimestamp] => 1674086400
 [endDate] => January 18, 2023
 [spansMultipleDays] => 
 [isMultiDay] => 
 [url] => /calendar/event/6510
 [icalUrl] => /calendar/feed/event-ical/id/6510
 [hasRegistration] => 
 [isPastEvent] => 1
 [isToday] => 

January 18, 2023
6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
2nd Floor Council Chambers
Revere City Hall
281 Broadway, Revere, MA 02151
Revere City Hall
281 Broadway, Revere, MA 02151
 [location] => 2nd Floor Council Chambers<br>Revere City Hall<br>281 Broadway, Revere, MA 02151
 [id] => 6492
 [isFeatured] => 0
 [title] => Conservation Commission Meeting
 [description] => <p><a href="https://bcms-files.s3.amazonaws.com/GB7r14nbKy-1182/docs/Calendar/01182023CC.pdf">AGENDA</a></p>
 [createdOnDate] => January 11, 2023
 [createdOnTime] => 4:46 PM
 [createdOnTimestamp] => 1673473615
 [createdByUser] => Array
 [firstName] => Jada
 [lastName] => Bianchi
 [fullName] => Jada Bianchi
 [profileImage] => 
 [email] => jbianchi@revere.org
 [website] => https://www.revere.org

 [createdByType] => admin
 [updatedOnDate] => January 11, 2023
 [updatedOnTime] => 4:46 PM
 [updatedOnTimestamp] => 1673473615
 [updatedByUser] => Array
 [firstName] => Jada
 [lastName] => Bianchi
 [fullName] => Jada Bianchi
 [profileImage] => 
 [email] => jbianchi@revere.org
 [website] => https://www.revere.org

 [updatedByType] => admin
 [publishedOnDate] => January 11, 2023
 [publishedOnTime] => 4:45 PM
 [publishedOnTimestamp] => 1673473500
 [expiresOnDate] => Not Available
 [expiresOnTime] => Not Available
 [expiresOnTimestamp] => 0
 [categories] => Array
 [33] => Array
 [id] => 33
 [categoryName] => Public Meeting
 [name] => Public Meeting
 [url_key] => public-meeting
 [parentId] => 0
 [description] => 
 [image] => 
 [createdOnDate] => April 11, 2019
 [createdOnTime] => 9:53 AM
 [createdOnTimestamp] => 1554990797
 [createdByUser] => Array
 [firstName] => Reuben
 [lastName] => Kantor
 [fullName] => Reuben Kantor
 [profileImage] => 
 [email] => rkantor@revere.org
 [website] => https://www.revere.org

 [createdByType] => admin
 [updatedOnDate] => April 11, 2019
 [updatedOnTime] => 9:53 AM
 [updatedOnTimestamp] => 1554990797
 [updatedByUser] => Array
 [firstName] => Reuben
 [lastName] => Kantor
 [fullName] => Reuben Kantor
 [profileImage] => 
 [email] => rkantor@revere.org
 [website] => https://www.revere.org

 [updatedByType] => admin
 [url] => /calendar/category/public-meeting


 [categoryCount] => 1
 [repeats] => 
 [time] => Array
 [start] => 7:00 PM
 [startTimestamp] => 1674086400
 [type] => start
 [isAllDay] => 
 [isStartEnd] => 
 [isStartOnly] => 1
 [isTba] => 
 [isNoTime] => 

 [dateIsAfterStartDate] => 
 [dateTimestamp] => 1674086400
 [date] => January 18, 2023
 [startDateTimestamp] => 1674086400
 [startDate] => January 18, 2023
 [endDateTimestamp] => 1674086400
 [endDate] => January 18, 2023
 [spansMultipleDays] => 
 [isMultiDay] => 
 [url] => /calendar/event/6492
 [icalUrl] => /calendar/feed/event-ical/id/6492
 [hasRegistration] => 
 [isPastEvent] => 1
 [isToday] => 

January 18, 2023
7:00 PM
2nd Floor Council Chambers
Revere City Hall
281 Broadway, Revere, MA 02151
Revere City Hall
281 Broadway, Revere, MA 02151
Add your event
If you have an event happening in the Revere community then you can share it on our calendar.
Note that all events are reviewed before posting on the website.
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Note that all events are reviewed before posting on the website.