Revere 311
Report an Issue
Use the Revere311 App to
- Report a pothole, code violation, clogged storm drain, etc.
- Request park maintenance
- And more...
Meet Piper!
Piper is the City of Revere's new AI chatbot to connect with us anytime, anywhere! Our new virtual assistant can help you get immediate answers to your questions, report a service request, and send a message to city staff. Piper is multilingual and can immediately recognize your questions in 75 different languages, making it accessible for everyone in our diverse community. To start a conversation with Piper, text the word “Hello” to (844) 30 - PIPER (74737).
Make sure to add Piper to your contacts so you can get quick answers whenever you need them.
Download Our Apps
Revere 311 App- Use this app to submit any non-emergency service requests such as pothole, tree trimming and illegal parking.
Revere Trash/Street Sweep App - Stay up-to-date with your trash recycling and street sweeping schedule and receive collection notifications from this app.
Most Popular Online Services
The vast majority of interactions that residents may need to have with city hall can be done on a phone or computer. Here’s a handy list of things you can do online. If you have questions or requests, send them our way.
Stay Connected
City Emergency Alerts
Receive phone calls and texts directly from the City of Revere regarding snowstorms, elections, and other emergency situations.
How to Sign Up
To register by phone: (781) 549-7069
Newsletter Email and Texts
Sign-up below to receive a weekly City newsletter and text message from the Mayor's Office!
Inscríbase a continuación para recibir un boletín semanal y un mensaje de texto de la Alcaldía en español.