City of Revere Traffic Calming Policy

The City of Revere is committed to providing safe and slow streets for all its road users, including bicyclists, motorists, pedestrians, and people with disabilities. Traffic Calming is a key tool the city is using to achieve this goal.

Traffic Calming measures are defined as the combination of measures that reduce the negative effects of motor vehicle use, alter driver behavior, and improve conditions for non-motorized street users. Traffic calming consists of physical design and other measures put in place on existing roads to reduce vehicle speeds and improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists.

Traffic Calming Measures provide many benefits that include:

• Reducing vehicle speeds and increased driver attentiveness
• Reducing dangerous driving behaviors, reducing the frequency and severity of collisions
• Improving safety for pedestrians, people with disabilities, bicyclist, strollers and users of public transit
• Reducing the need for police enforcement
• Enhancing the street environment
• Preserving neighborhood character and livability
• Increasing access for all modes of transportation
• Reducing cut-through motor vehicle traffic

The City of Revere’s new Traffic Calming Policy looks to create a clear, data-driven process to develop Traffic Calming strategies throughout the city.  The policy includes a list of potential calming strategies, and overview of the approvals process, and a petition that must be submitted in order to initiate your traffic calming strategy.

Read more about the approvals process here. You can download a Traffic Calming Petition here.

If you have any questions about the policy, please contact Julie Demauro.

When you are ready to submit a petition, please contact your Ward Councillor.

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