Sewer Overflow Alerts and Information

Current SSO Alert Notification

There is currently no alert at this time.

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The City of Revere Water/Sewer/Drain Department is responsible for the operation and management of the municipal sanitary sewer infrastructure including collection pipes, sewer pump stations and force mains. The municipal sanitary sewer system conveys wastewater (sewage) from homes and businesses to the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA’s) Deer Island Wastewater Treatment Plant.  

In January 2021, An Act Promoting Awareness of Sewage in Public Waters was signed into law.  The Act requires the City of Revere to notify you via email about Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO) Events that occur in Revere.  Please Subscribe using the link at the upper right of this page. 

Within 2 hours, some SSOs require the City to send an email advising of the date, time and location of the overflow. Follow-up notifications will be emailed every 8 hours until the overflow stops. Notifications will be provided in English, Arabic, Portuguese, Spanish and MonKhmer/Cambodian.  Depending on where the SSO is located, the affected lake, pond, river or stream will vary. The notification will advise as to which water bodies are impacted. SSOs requiring notification are uncommon and may happen a few times per year or even less frequently. 

What is a Sanitary Sewer Overflow?

Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs) are a release of untreated or partially treated sewage from a municipal sanitary sewer system.  SSOs occasionally occur in almost every sewer system, even though systems are intended to collect and contain all the sewage that flows into them.  Because SSOs contain raw sewage they may contain harmful bacteria and other pollutants that can make a person sick if ingested. After a SSO occurs it is recommended that use of any affected waterway or water body for contact recreation like swimming, wading, fishing and boating be stopped for 48 hours.

For More Information:

Subscribe for SSO Alerts

Receive email alerts of any sewer overflows in the city. Notifications are to be sent in multiple languages within two hours of the city being notified of a Sewer Overflow event.

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