Floodplain Information
Looking for information on whether a certain property or area is located in a flood zone? Flood zone information for a property is often a requirement for many insurance and assessing purposes, and it can easily be found online via the City of Revere’s GIS platform. We’ve compiled a quick guide for utilizing the floodplain functions of the GIS maps below for your added convenience. For more information on floodplains in general, please see the FEMA Flood Map Service Center. Also visit the City of Revere Conservation Commission for additional resources.
If you are submitting an application to the Revere Conservation Commission, instructions for filing can be found here.
GIS Floodplain Map How-to Guide
- Visit http://gis.revere.org/. If you need any instructions on how to use the site, visit www.revere.org/gis.
- Look to the top right of the interactive page for the “Layers” icon, which depicts three maps arranged vertically, and click on it.
- A small box will pop up listing all of the operational maps for the GIS system. Click on the box next to the layer “FEMA_Floodzones_2016” to display a floodplain map for the entire City.
- To quickly find a specific property or area, enter an address into the search box at the top left.
- For information on what each floodplain designation means, please see this informative site.
For Homeowners and Buyers who have Properties within the 100 Year Floodplain
With an increasing number of major flood events dominating the headlines, it’s easy for homeowners to get overwhelmed by the enormity of the problem and think there is nothing they can do to protect themselves.
It’s one of the reasons why the national Association of State Floodplain Managers created ReduceFloodRisk.org, an interactive website that aims to demystify flood mitigation for the general public so they can understand their flood risk and make informed decisions about the specific steps they can take to better protect their most valuable assets.