Traffic Advisory

Thursday, July 18, through Sunday, July 21, DCR has implemented various road closures to the accommodate the 2024 Revere Beach International Sand Sculpting Festival. Residents needing to travel should avoid this area.Details of Closures

Mayor Rizzo Announces Formation of Road Repair Task Force

June 23, 2015

Citing the rise in new technologies and business practices that have modernized the delivery of many city services, Mayor Dan Rizzo announced the creation of a Road Repair Task Force. The task force will provide the administration with innovative and comprehensive solutions to address infrastructure issues faster and more efficiently.

While the City’s population and infrastructure has grown over the past several decades, the staffing level at Department of Public Works has shrunk to 30 full time employees. Mayor Rizzo’s administration is attempting to increase staffing at Public works through the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget; however, the Mayor said that the city also must find new ways to be more efficient in order to address growing issues like pot holes.

“Every day we hear of new technologies and business practices that are allowing cities to operate more efficiently and be more citizen-centric. We need to bring our delivery of basic city services in to the 21st Century as well,” said Mayor Rizzo. “One clear area that we can improve upon is road repair, which is why I am creating the Road Repair Task Force.”

The City is reaching out to local universities and non-profits to join with local residents and city officials, to find new solutions. Residents with experience in engineering, technology, and community innovation are being asked to participate. Rather than a venue to report potholes and other road repair issue, the task force will focus on changing business processes, and exploring the use of new technologies to improve the tracking, reporting and response time as well as the materials used.

“Road repairs and infrastructure improvements are the kinds of issues that can really affect a resident’s quality of life.” said Mayor Rizzo. “I am hopeful that residents with experience in engineering, technology, and local government will get involved with our Road Repair Task Force”.

If you would like to join the Road Repair Task Force, call the Mayor’s Office at 781-286-8111 or email

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