
Community Planning

Through its Community Development roles and responsibilities, the Department of Planning & Community Development works in close partnership with municipal departments and a wide range of local, regional, and federal stakeholders to identify and address needs, assets, priority investments, and shared community goals. This may include projects relating to economic development, public facilities, community centers, public service, housing rehabilitation, homeowner assistance, code enforcement, infrastructure, and public health. 

Revere Workforce Development Plan

In Summer of 2021, the City and the Metropolitan Area Planning Council released the Revere Workforce Development Plan, a municipal workforce development plan.

Funded fully by a District Local Technical Assistance grant, this process and plan was completed during the Covid-19 pandemic and builds on the goals and findings of the Next Stop Revere Master Plan completed in early 2020. For more information, please contact Megan Ragab, Community Development Program Manager.

Click here to view or download the full plan report. (13 MB, PDF)

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