
Health Inspections Division

The Health Inspections Division protects the health and wellness of the person, community and environment by providing inspections to ensure the best quality of living available through surveillance, health and vaccine clinics, public service announcements and communication throughout the City.

Permits and Licenses

For the convenience of Revere residents, most licenses and permits from the Health Department are available online at, through our online permitting software vendor, CitizenServe.

Apply Online
Bilingual instructions

You can now request the following types of permits and licenses:

Bulky Item
(if you get a 404 error hit refresh and it should work)

40U Code Enforcement

40U Property Violations can now be paid online.
Visit our Online Bill Pay page for instructions.

The City of Revere passed ordinances in 2015 as a collaborative effort to combat unhealthy properties using Mass General Laws, Ch. 40U for code enforcement.

What this means for the community:

  • Tickets of properties in violation of city and state codes will be issued fines of up to a maximum of $490 per day.
  • Upon receiving a ticket, a property owner has 21 days to payor submit an appeal request a hearing with Municipal Hearings Officer.
  • If no response, owner receives additional notification providing an additional 30 days to pay, and an additional $10 administrative fee will be added.
  • If unpaid after the 30 day period, the ticket, regardless of the initial amount, increases to the maximum $500 and is automatically transferred to the City Collector and becomes a charge against the property that will show up on a Municipal Lien Certificate and the tax bill. These tickets can only be paid at the Collector’s Office in City Hall.

These new regulations went into effect on Thursday April 30, 2015. If residents have questions, please call the Inspectional Services Department at 781-286-8311.

Appeals of Health Division Tickets

Appeals for any sanitary code violation must be submitted in writing or online at within 21 days of the date of the ticket. Appellants can request an in-person hearing or a decision in writing. For any appeal in writing, be sure to submit all evidence with your request, including any photographs or back-up information supporting your argument.

After receiving your request for an appeal, the Health Division will send you a date and time for your scheduled hearing. All hearings are held every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at:

Office of Municipal Inspections

249R Broadway

Revere, MA  02151

Hearings start promptly at 5:00 p.m.

Failure to appear at a scheduled hearing will result in the fine being upheld.

Any fines that remain upheld after a hearing must be paid within 21 days.  Any unpaid fines will increase to $500 per ticket and will become a lien on the real estate tax bill.

Form to Appeal to Chelsea District Court
Use this form to appeal the decision of the 40U Appeals Officer

Bulky Item Pickup

Items that are considered too large for regular trash pickup may require a Bulky Item Pickup sticker, purchased online at The online system replaces the former ‘Sticker’ system. Check out the Fee Schedule.

Residents who purchased stickers and still have them available may still use them. To ensure pickup, we suggest emailing Revere 311 to let the City know of your intention to use those stickers, so we can be sure that the sanitation collection company will be on the lookout for your items.

Dumpster License

All Dumpsters within the City of Revere are required to be licensed with the City. For food establishments, commercial buildings, and larger residential buildings, those licenses are through the Health Division, and can be applied for and renewed at Licensing must be renewed annually.

Temporary Dumpsters and Pods at construction sites and on the street can be purchased at Applications will be approved by the Department of Public Works. These permits cost a $50 application fee, plus $10 per day a dumpster or pod is on the street. Learn more at the Department of Public Works.

Health Food Licenses

The City of Revere Health Division licenses and inspects food establishments.

Grease Trap Management
How and Why to Better Manage Your Establishment's Grease Trap

Trash Ordinances

Yard Sales

The City requires that all owners and renters apply and be approved for a free permit to hold a Yard Sale. Violators are subject to fine.

Visit the city's epermitting portal to login (register for an account if you don't have one) and apply for a Yard Sale Permit. 

Apply Online

Rental Property Ordinance

For Health Food Licenses, Dumpster Licenses, Yard Sale Permits and Bulky Item Pickup Permits
Swimming Pool Application
Operation of a swimming pool must be approved by the Health Division.
Tanning Facility Application
All Tanning facilities must be approved for a permit with the Health Division.
Vacant Building Registration
City ordinances require that any vacant property be registered and pay an annual registration fee.

Mosquito Control

Residents may request spray treatments for mosquitoes by completing a service request form to Northeast Mosquito Control from June 1st to September 30th, from Sunday, 7:00 AM through Wednesday noon for the current week.  Please click on this link to submit your service request:

Frequently Asked Questions

Where must dumpsters be placed?

Each dumpster must be located at a minimum of ten feet (10') from the lot lines as to not interfere with the safety, convenience or health of abutters for residents. It must not obstruct the view of flowing traffic or be a nuisance. It must be placed on a smooth non-pervious surface in order to be easily maintained. The dumpster location must be approved by the Board of Health before placement.

Contact Information & Hours
Mon. 8 am – 7 pm
Tues. 8 am – 5 pm*
Wed. 8 am – 5 pm
Thur. 8 am - 5 pm
Fri. 8 am - 12 pm

*Open till 7pm following Monday holiday

Notary Services Available at Municipal Inspections Office
Michael Wells
Director of Municipal Inspections & Health Agent

Colleen Argenzio
Assistant to the Director
Ricci LaCentra
Housing Inspector
Vincent Argenzio
Housing Inspector/ Short Term Rental Inspector
Hamza Azib
Food Inspector
Joseph Habeeb
Sanitary Inspector
Stephen Fiore
Sanitary Inspector
Robert Tenaglia
Sanitary Inspector
Linda Redding
40U Administrator
Norma Sanodoval
Principal Clerk
Peter Christopher
Municipal Hearings Officer
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