S | M | T | W | T | F | S |
16 |
 [location] => American Legion Lawn (249 Broadway)
 [requesterName] => Charles Giuffrida
 [requesterContact] => Tourism@Revere.org
 [id] => 6722
 [isFeatured] => 0
 [title] => Sunday Night Concert Series
 [description] => Beer garden opens at 5:00 p.m.<br>Music begins at 6:00 p.m. <br><br>The WildFire Band is a five-piece band that has been entertaining audiences around New England for over 22 years. Sought after for their powerful and dynamic vocals, they have become an established top 40 cover band. Seeing them perform is the only way to truly feel the energy and be part of the fun. They cover a vast variety of music from the powerhouses of rock like AC/DC and Journey to the hip shaking sounds of Lady Gaga and Shakira. The WildFire Band has been amusing their fans at some of the most reputable clubs in New England for over a decade. <br><br>Don't forget to bring your dancing shoes!
 [createdOnDate] => May 9, 2023
 [createdOnTime] => 10:16 AM
 [createdOnTimestamp] => 1683641772
 [createdByUser] => Not Available
 [createdByType] => anonymous
 [updatedOnDate] => May 9, 2023
 [updatedOnTime] => 10:30 AM
 [updatedOnTimestamp] => 1683642628
 [updatedByUser] => Array
 [firstName] => Nicholas
 [lastName] => Romano
 [fullName] => Nicholas Romano
 [profileImage] => 
 [email] => nromano@revere.org
 [website] => https://www.revere.org

 [updatedByType] => admin
 [publishedOnDate] => May 9, 2023
 [publishedOnTime] => 10:30 AM
 [publishedOnTimestamp] => 1683642600
 [expiresOnDate] => Not Available
 [expiresOnTime] => Not Available
 [expiresOnTimestamp] => 0
 [categories] => Array
 [44] => Array
 [id] => 44
 [categoryName] => Cultural and Awareness Events
 [name] => Cultural and Awareness Events
 [url_key] => community-celebrations
 [parentId] => 0
 [description] => 
 [image] => 
 [createdOnDate] => February 18, 2021
 [createdOnTime] => 11:55 AM
 [createdOnTimestamp] => 1613667323
 [createdByUser] => Array
 [firstName] => Reuben
 [lastName] => Kantor
 [fullName] => Reuben Kantor
 [profileImage] => 
 [email] => rkantor@revere.org
 [website] => https://www.revere.org

 [createdByType] => admin
 [updatedOnDate] => March 30, 2021
 [updatedOnTime] => 5:19 PM
 [updatedOnTimestamp] => 1617139144
 [updatedByUser] => Array
 [firstName] => Reuben
 [lastName] => Kantor
 [fullName] => Reuben Kantor
 [profileImage] => 
 [email] => rkantor@revere.org
 [website] => https://www.revere.org

 [updatedByType] => admin
 [url] => /calendar/category/community-celebrations

 [38] => Array
 [id] => 38
 [categoryName] => Events
 [name] => Events
 [url_key] => events
 [parentId] => 0
 [description] => 
 [image] => 
 [createdOnDate] => April 11, 2019
 [createdOnTime] => 9:53 AM
 [createdOnTimestamp] => 1554990838
 [createdByUser] => Array
 [firstName] => Reuben
 [lastName] => Kantor
 [fullName] => Reuben Kantor
 [profileImage] => 
 [email] => rkantor@revere.org
 [website] => https://www.revere.org

 [createdByType] => admin
 [updatedOnDate] => April 11, 2019
 [updatedOnTime] => 9:53 AM
 [updatedOnTimestamp] => 1554990838
 [updatedByUser] => Array
 [firstName] => Reuben
 [lastName] => Kantor
 [fullName] => Reuben Kantor
 [profileImage] => 
 [email] => rkantor@revere.org
 [website] => https://www.revere.org

 [updatedByType] => admin
 [url] => /calendar/category/events

 [36] => Array
 [id] => 36
 [categoryName] => Fun & Recreation
 [name] => Fun & Recreation
 [url_key] => fun-recreation
 [parentId] => 0
 [description] => 
 [image] => 
 [createdOnDate] => April 11, 2019
 [createdOnTime] => 9:53 AM
 [createdOnTimestamp] => 1554990824
 [createdByUser] => Array
 [firstName] => Reuben
 [lastName] => Kantor
 [fullName] => Reuben Kantor
 [profileImage] => 
 [email] => rkantor@revere.org
 [website] => https://www.revere.org

 [createdByType] => admin
 [updatedOnDate] => April 11, 2019
 [updatedOnTime] => 9:53 AM
 [updatedOnTimestamp] => 1554990824
 [updatedByUser] => Array
 [firstName] => Reuben
 [lastName] => Kantor
 [fullName] => Reuben Kantor
 [profileImage] => 
 [email] => rkantor@revere.org
 [website] => https://www.revere.org

 [updatedByType] => admin
 [url] => /calendar/category/fun-recreation

 [39] => Array
 [id] => 39
 [categoryName] => Senior Events
 [name] => Senior Events
 [url_key] => senior-events
 [parentId] => 0
 [description] => 
 [image] => 
 [createdOnDate] => April 11, 2019
 [createdOnTime] => 9:54 AM
 [createdOnTimestamp] => 1554990847
 [createdByUser] => Array
 [firstName] => Reuben
 [lastName] => Kantor
 [fullName] => Reuben Kantor
 [profileImage] => 
 [email] => rkantor@revere.org
 [website] => https://www.revere.org

 [createdByType] => admin
 [updatedOnDate] => April 11, 2019
 [updatedOnTime] => 9:54 AM
 [updatedOnTimestamp] => 1554990847
 [updatedByUser] => Array
 [firstName] => Reuben
 [lastName] => Kantor
 [fullName] => Reuben Kantor
 [profileImage] => 
 [email] => rkantor@revere.org
 [website] => https://www.revere.org

 [updatedByType] => admin
 [url] => /calendar/category/senior-events


 [categoryCount] => 4
 [repeats] => 
 [time] => Array
 [end] => 8:00 PM
 [endTimestamp] => 1683676812
 [start] => 5:00 PM
 [startTimestamp] => 1683666012
 [type] => timed
 [isAllDay] => 
 [isStartEnd] => 1
 [isStartOnly] => 
 [isTba] => 
 [isNoTime] => 

 [dateIsAfterStartDate] => 
 [dateTimestamp] => 1689541200
 [date] => July 16, 2023
 [startDateTimestamp] => 1689541200
 [startDate] => July 16, 2023
 [endDateTimestamp] => 1689552000
 [endDate] => July 16, 2023
 [spansMultipleDays] => 
 [isMultiDay] => 
 [url] => /calendar/event/6722
 [icalUrl] => /calendar/feed/event-ical/id/6722
 [hasRegistration] => 
 [isPastEvent] => 1
 [isToday] => 

Add your event
If you have an event happening in the Revere community then you can share it on our calendar.
Note that all events are reviewed before posting on the website.
Add Your Event
Note that all events are reviewed before posting on the website.