Please join Mayor Patrick M. Keefe Jr. and the City of Revere for the State of the City Address on Thursday, March 20th, at 6:30PM in the Susan B. Anthony School Auditorium (107 Newhall St.).

Revere Beach clock Calendar of Events
    [location] => Revere Beach Pavilion
    [requesterName] => Tareq Rantisi
    [requesterContact] =>
    [id] => 6771
    [isFeatured] => 0
    [title] => Free outdoor Concert :The  World Music Concert Series, Celebrate Diversity, Build Community Revere
    [description] => Join us for the 2023 World Music Concert Series, Celebrate Diversity, Build Community Revere and Lynn <br><br>Ms. Angel Mone't & The Fam<br>Fri Jun 23 2023 at 3:00 PM at the Revere Beach Pavilion in Revere, MA 02151.<br><br>"Ms. Angel Mone't & The Fam" a trio from Boston consisting of Ms. Angel Mone't & her two sons. Graduates of Berklee College of Music, their sound is universal, bridging genres of R&B, Latin, Funk, Caribbean, and Gospel with a touch of inspiration to uplift your soul. The trio has toured and performed internationally with original music as well as cover tunes. Music is their passion and joy filled with love and happiness for all. <br><br>The World Music Concert Series, Celebrate Diversity, Build Community  – organized by Grammy-nominated global jazz percussionist, educator, and composer Tareq Rantisi — has a spatial and social justice focus, bringing diverse world-class artists to underutilized public spaces. The series features artists representing our local community, in beaches and parks that rarely host public events. The artists are masters of their own cultural traditions.<br><br>All Concerts are outdoors, free, and intended to be accessible to all people (Immunocompromised, disabled, elderly and children, etc). Free masks will be available for the public Co-sponsored by ProjectN95. <br><br>The World Music Concert Series, Celebrate Diversity, Build Community Revere is supported by a grant from Save the Harbor/Save the Bay and the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR).
    [createdOnDate] => June 9, 2023
    [createdOnTime] => 11:29 AM
    [createdOnTimestamp] => 1686324582
    [createdByUser] => Not Available
    [createdByType] => anonymous
    [updatedOnDate] => June 13, 2023
    [updatedOnTime] => 4:20 PM
    [updatedOnTimestamp] => 1686687642
    [updatedByUser] => Array
            [firstName] => Nicholas
            [lastName] => Romano
            [fullName] => Nicholas Romano
            [profileImage] => 
            [email] =>
            [website] =>

    [updatedByType] => admin
    [publishedOnDate] => June 13, 2023
    [publishedOnTime] => 4:20 PM
    [publishedOnTimestamp] => 1686687600
    [expiresOnDate] => Not Available
    [expiresOnTime] => Not Available
    [expiresOnTimestamp] => 0
    [categories] => Array
            [38] => Array
                    [id] => 38
                    [categoryName] => Events
                    [name] => Events
                    [url_key] => events
                    [parentId] => 0
                    [description] => 
                    [image] => 
                    [createdOnDate] => April 11, 2019
                    [createdOnTime] => 9:53 AM
                    [createdOnTimestamp] => 1554990838
                    [createdByUser] => Array
                            [firstName] => Reuben
                            [lastName] => Kantor
                            [fullName] => Reuben Kantor
                            [profileImage] => 
                            [email] =>
                            [website] =>

                    [createdByType] => admin
                    [updatedOnDate] => April 11, 2019
                    [updatedOnTime] => 9:53 AM
                    [updatedOnTimestamp] => 1554990838
                    [updatedByUser] => Array
                            [firstName] => Reuben
                            [lastName] => Kantor
                            [fullName] => Reuben Kantor
                            [profileImage] => 
                            [email] =>
                            [website] =>

                    [updatedByType] => admin
                    [url] => /calendar/category/events


    [categoryCount] => 1
    [repeats] => 
    [time] => Array
            [end] => 4:15 PM
            [endTimestamp] => 1686341742
            [start] => 3:00 PM
            [startTimestamp] => 1686337242
            [type] => timed
            [isAllDay] => 
            [isStartEnd] => 1
            [isStartOnly] => 
            [isTba] => 
            [isNoTime] => 

    [dateIsAfterStartDate] => 
    [dateTimestamp] => 1687546800
    [date] => June 23, 2023
    [startDateTimestamp] => 1687546800
    [startDate] => June 23, 2023
    [endDateTimestamp] => 1687551300
    [endDate] => June 23, 2023
    [spansMultipleDays] => 
    [isMultiDay] => 
    [url] => /calendar/event/6771
    [icalUrl] => /calendar/feed/event-ical/id/6771
    [hasRegistration] => 
    [isPastEvent] => 1
    [isToday] => 

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Note that all events are reviewed before posting on the website.
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