Traffic Advisory

Thursday, July 18, through Sunday, July 21, DCR has implemented various road closures to the accommodate the 2024 Revere Beach International Sand Sculpting Festival. Residents needing to travel should avoid this area.Details of Closures

Mayor Rizzo Speaks to Water Resources Coalition

March 19, 2013

This past Wednesday Mayor Rizzo was a featured speaker at the Massachusetts Water Pollution Control Association’s (MWPCA’s) Annual Legislative Meeting. The event was co-sponsored by the New England Water Environment Association (NEWEA) and the New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission (NEIWPCC). The event provided a forum where issues related to wastewater and stormwater infrastructure were addressed by elected state and municipal officials, utility managers and regulators. With reductions in funding at the federal level and states challenged with budget shortfalls, cities and towns are forced to meet more stringent water quality requirements with less resources. Impacts on water and sewer ratepayers of the Commonwealth have never been greater.

Mayor Rizzo was able to speak to the group for over 20 minutes regarding the situation the City of Revere is facing regarding the consent decree from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). Revere, due to this order, must make extensive and costly improvements to its sewer and stormwater systems that continue to show signs of inadequacy. Currently there are a number of House Bills being debated in the Legislature that would help to provide further relief to ratepayers in Revere. Mayor Rizzo used the event to continue his efforts to lobby State and Federal authorities for relief and assistance with meeting the requirements of the consent decree.

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Patrick M. Keefe Jr.
Linda DeMaio
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