Traffic Advisory

Thursday, July 18, through Sunday, July 21, DCR has implemented various road closures to the accommodate the 2024 Revere Beach International Sand Sculpting Festival. Residents needing to travel should avoid this area.Details of Closures

Mayor Brian M. Arrigo Addresses Revere Residents in Letter, Will Not Seek Re-Election in 2023

March 1, 2023

REVERE, MA -- “After months of consideration with loved ones, I have decided to make 2023 my last year as Mayor of this great City of Revere. This is a bittersweet decision, as I am sad to be leaving a position that has been so rewarding, but now it is time to support the next generation with the energy and ideas to lead our great city. Supported by my incredible family, friends, and staff, the last eight years I've served as your mayor has been the honor of my life.

Revere is my hometown, where the fabric of our community raised me as they did many of you. As I grew up, I watched my parents, both in their own way, serve the residents of Revere with passion and integrity - knowing they were doing it to build a better city for me and my sister. I deeply love our growing, close-knit North Shore coastal community. Revere is and always will be home to me.

In 2012 when I became a Revere City Councillor, there was so much on the horizon for our city. I began surrounding myself with incredibly bright minds, folks who loved this city as much as I did and knew what steps were necessary to move our city forward.  

Together, that work allowed us to take those ideas to the Mayor’s Office in 2016 - eager to implement our plans but learning quickly there are no instructions for how to run a city. My staff and I walked into our then-empty office at 281 Broadway with a blank slate and a vision. I have been proud to lead the fastest growing city in the Commonwealth, despite the challenges we have overcome.  In unifying a divided city, focusing on bridging the gap between historically overlooked neighborhoods and City Hall, bringing government closer to people with 311 and promoting more transparency into how our city operates and serves its people - slowly we built our team, we built trust, and our city thrived. 

In this time as your Mayor, nothing has been more important to me than building on the trust you have put in me to lead our city.  Trust is the key ingredient necessary to accomplish big things - in our personal lives, in business or in government.  The integrity of the office is paramount and I am proud to know we have built a system of transparency, a culture of consistent communication and the trust among each other to lead this city forward. 

I look around my office today, filled with shovels from groundbreakings, letters from Revere students, photos from ribbon cuttings and flag raisings and I am proud of the journey we’ve been on together. 

As I end my time as Mayor of the greatest city in our Commonwealth, I intend to spend more time with my family and continue to pursue public service outside of elected office in some capacity. Although I don't specifically know what my next chapter will be, I will forever be grateful to those who put their trust in me. It has been my greatest honor serving as your Mayor and I only hope you will continue to challenge the status quo as we build on the greatest strength of our city - the diversity and pride of our people.”


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