Mayor Arrigo Announces Regional Public Health Collaborative With Chelsea and Winthrop

November 15, 2016

Mayor Brian Arrigo joined Chelsea City Manager Tom Ambrosino and Winthrop Town Manager James McKenna on Tuesday to sign the new North Suffolk Public Health Collaborative. This agreement will help Chelsea, Revere and Winthrop address local chronic health illnesses such as diabetes, asthma, heart disease, mental health problems and substance abuse collaboratively, thanks to a new regional agreement all three communities are joining, in partnership with the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC).
Given the broad scope of local health challenges, the three communities have joined together to address them in a collaborative, comprehensive way. This effort, funded with a District Local Technical Assistance (DLTA) state grant awarded by MAPC, will help all three communities develop a cost-effective model for enhancing public health programs and services. Joint health assessments, more consistent programs for residents across the three communities, and stronger coordination among health groups are all expected results of the project.

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