Traffic Advisory

Thursday, July 18, through Sunday, July 21, DCR has implemented various road closures to the accommodate the 2024 Revere Beach International Sand Sculpting Festival. Residents needing to travel should avoid this area.Details of Closures

City of Revere Bans Sale of Synthetic Cannabinoids

May 2, 2017

The Revere Board of Health voted on Tuesday to approve Mayor Brian Arrigo’s request to ban the sale of synthetic cannabinoids in Revere.

Synthetic cannabinoids - also known as “synthetic marijuana,” “K2,” “Spice,” or bath salts - are dangerous substances, and consumption of them is banned nationally by the federal government.

However, manufacturers of these products skirt the ban by marketing them as “not for human consumption” on the label, selling them as potpourri or incense - a loophole they’ve exploited to sell these products.

Synthetic marijuana does not actually contain marijuana. Synthetic marijuana refers to a number of plants sprayed with chemicals.

These products cause extreme and dangerous behaviors by people who consume them. Side effects include violent and aggressive behavior, rapid heartbeat, lethargy, nausea, vomiting, confusion, headaches and seizures.

“Today’s vote by the Board of Health closes a dangerous loophole that had been exploited to sell synthetic cannabinoids to our residents,” said Mayor Arrigo. “These products are often aimed at teenagers. I appreciate the Board’s swift action to rectify this problem.”

Representative RoseLee Vincent, a member of the Legislature's Joint Committee on Marijuana, noted to the Board that "products containing synthetic marijuana cause dangerous and irrational behaviors by people who ingest them," in comments to the Board of Health supporting the ban.

The City of Boston banned synthetic cannabinoids last year, and numerous states and cities are considering bans as well. Boston took action after numerous reports of violent behavior by users in and around the convenience stores and gas stations that were selling these products.

The ban is effective immediately; retailers that sell synthetic cannabinoids are subject to fines from the Board of Health and review by the license commission.

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