West Nile Virus

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) has raised the risk level of West Nile Virus from moderate to high in Revere and surrounding communities. Learn more

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Mayor Arrigo To Host Six Community Forums, Starting In Beachmont on May 3

April 25, 2016

Mayor Brian Arrigo has announced a series of community forums to be held in each ward, intended to give residents of each neighborhood a chance to ask questions and discuss city services and quality of life issues in their area. Read more

City of Revere Opioid Overdose Warning: Support Is Available

April 6, 2016

The City of Revere Board of Health is issuing an advisory regarding a recent increase in opioid-related overdoses. This increase is reportedly linked to the use of heroin contaminated with the drug fentanyl. Read more

Rosetti-Cowan Senior Center To Host "Countdown To 65" Seminar To Help Seniors Understand Health Coverage Options

April 5, 2016

If you know a family member, friend, or neighbor who will be turning 65 years old this may be a very informative seminar for them to attend. Help us help seniors who may find this seminar beneficial. Read more

Revere Police Joins Statewide Crackdown On Distracted Driving

April 4, 2016

Mayor Brian Arrigo and Chief of Police Joseph Cafarelli recently announced that Revere Police will partner with the 202 eligible local Massachusetts law enforcement agencies and the Massachusetts State Police in the national "U Drive. U Text. U Pay." mobilization to crack down on motorists who text while driving. Read more

Mayor Announces “Beautify Revere” Series; First Cleanup Event April 16 at Oak Island Park

April 1, 2016

Mayor Brian Arrigo announced this week the launch of the “Beautify Revere” series, a set of cleanup events around the city scheduled throughout the year. Read more

Please Be Advised: Operation Clean Sweep Begins This Friday!

March 28, 2016

Revere's annual street sweeping program begins on Friday, April 1. Please be advised that throughout April, anyone parked in the way of the street sweeper will be ticketed and towed. Read more

Mayor Arrigo Announces Citywide Fitness Challenge, 5K

March 23, 2016

Mayor Arrigo announces plans for the 2016 Revere Citywide Fitness Challenge, culminating in a 5K Road Race on June 11 Read more

Mayor Rizzo Announces Formation of Road Repair Task Force

June 23, 2015

Citing the rise in new technologies and business practices that have modernized the delivery of many city services, Mayor Dan Rizzo announced the creation of a Road Repair Task Force. The task force will provide the administration with innovative and comprehensive solutions to address infrastructure issues faster and more efficiently.

While the City’s population and infrastructure has grown... Read more

Senior Citizen Work-Off Abatement Program

June 22, 2015

Revere-Mayor Daniel Rizzo is happy to announce the implementation of the Senior Citizen Work-Off Abatement Program for 2015. The program allows for 50 seniors to work for a $750 property tax deduction and another 50 seniors to work for a $500 water bill reduction.

The Senior Citizen Work-Off Abatement Program will permit up to 100 seniors to work a total of 62 ½ hours within various departments... Read more

Mayor's Office
Contact Information
Patrick M. Keefe Jr.
Linda DeMaio
Executive Secretary/Schedule
Claudia Correa
Chief of Staff
Robert Marra
Senior Advisor to the Mayor
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