Mobile City Hall
Introducing the City of Revere’s latest initiative to foster a more accessible and convenient city government for residents, Mobile City Hall. At Mobile City Hall, residents can learn about City resources, register to vote, contact 311, request parking stickers, appeal tickets, pay bills, request certificates, receive seasonal vaccines, apply for abatements, sign up for emergency alerts, and more.
Mobile City Hall's schedule will be announced on a monthly basis. The schedule is subject to change based on weather and availability. Please stay tuned on this page and the City's social media channels for updates on the schedule.
- Neighborhood Pace Center, 10 Garafalo St. - Thursday, March 6th, 12:00PM -2:00PM
- Point of Pines Yacht Club, 28 Rice Ave. - Thursday, March 13th, 12:00PM -2:00PM
- Jack Satter House, 420 Revere Beach Blvd - Thursday, March 20th, 12:00PM - 2:00PM
- NorthGate/Market Basket, 275 Squire Road - Thursday, March 27th, 12:00PM - 2:00PM