Naloxone Access and Overdose Prevention

The Center for Disease Control reported an estimated 107,543 people died of a drug-related overdose in the United States during 2023, a decrease of 3% from 2022. Overdose death is 100% preventable if the people using drugs have access to life-saving tools like Narcan (also called naloxone).

Below you can access Revere-specific data with our interactive Overdose Heat Map.  You can choose to access the overdose data by year, or view it complied all together.  The data was de-identified by transitioning addresses to longitude and latitude coordinates and expanding the data point to reflect a 350-foot radius of accuracy.  These data manipulation measures were taken to ensure privacy of overdose victims and their families.  It reflects data from our collaboration with Revere Police and Fire Departments and represents overdose events associated with 911 calls from the last 3 years. 

Overdose Heat Map


Nalox-Box Information

Using the data represented above, and our knowledge of hot spots around the city, as of June 2024, Nalox-Boxes are now installed in strategic locations around Revere.  We currently have 6 boxes installed in various locations throughout the city that correspond to places with high overdose incidence or discarded syringe/needle reports.

Nalox-boxes contain 12 doses of free, no-questions-asked naloxone doses.  You can open the box on the right-hand side to access the naloxone doses.  Please only take the number of doses that you or the person you are with might need.  If you encounter a Nalox-box that is empty, please call 911 if you are with someone experiencing an overdose.  If you are not in immediate danger, please call the SUDHI Office at 781-629-4158 and we will come refill it.  The SUDHI Office checks the boxes twice a week to refill and collect data on how many doses of naloxone have been taken. 


Recognizing and Responding to an Overdose

Other Resources

Safe Spot, formally known as the Massachusetts Overdose Prevention Helpline, is a Massachusetts-wide toll-free hotline that anyone can call when they are going to be using substances.  The Safe Spot operators will ask for your exact location and phone number before you use.  If during the call you stop responding, they will get you help either through a predetermined responder or by notifying your local EMS.  The hotline number is 1-800-972-0590.

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