Information Technology

The IT Department provides timely and accurate technical support to all city departments, maintains the phone system as well as audio/visual equipment. We support the integration of new initiatives and ensure all electronic related data is secure. We also administer the City’s website to provide residents with 24/7 access to municipal services.

Vendor Form

The City of Revere is constantly looking for ways to improve and upgrade use of technology, data, and electronic processes.

Because of the large number of requests that we receive, if you have a technology you are hoping to pitch to us, we ask that you complete the form below. This is the only way the City will accept unsolicited vendor requests.

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Maximum 100 words

We won’t hold you to this, for informational purposes only

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Relevant Ordinance Excerpts

The following excerpts (from a proposed City ordinance establishing the M.I.S. department) detail the responsibilities of the Department:

  • "Data processing includes, without limitation, office automation systems, information systems, database management, networking, electronic data communication and other collection, organization, transmission and storage of electronic information."
  • M.I.S. "shall be responsible for integrating City-wide data processing into one coherent network and information system.
  • "Such information system shall be for the use of any department, office, board, committee or agency of the City.
  • M.I.S. "shall be responsible for planning, organizing and controlling overall activities of management information systems, including systems analysis, programming and computer operation activities…and the establishment of data processing procedures and methods.
  • M.I.S. "shall maintain continuous control over policies and procedures, priorities and methods".

The Ordinance further describes the Functions of the department:

  • Plan, organize and implement an integrated Information System for the City.
  • Provide programs or systems for the collection, processing, storage, retrieval and sharing of information for use by all departments or agencies of the City.
  • Coordinate, through advice, counsel or establishment of procedures and methods, the non-educational data processing operations of any other department of the City.
  • Advise on data processing matters, including the review, analysis, evaluation, and recommendation of proposed data processing applications or equipment acquisitions.
  • Establish any data processing standard deemed necessary.
  • Maintain and safeguard data, information, programs, and equipment of the department.

Neither the Director nor any other employee of the M.I.S. department shall release any information or data collected, processed or accessed by the department.

Contact Information & Hours
Mon. 8 am – 7 pm
Tues. 8 am – 5 pm*
Wed. 8 am – 5 pm
Thur. 8 am - 5 pm
Fri. 8 am - 12 pm

*Open till 7pm following Monday holiday
Jorge Pazos
IT Director
Provide Website Feedback

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