The city-issued blue trash carts are required for municipal collection in the City of Revere. To purchase an additional trash cart or recycling bin, follow the links below. Please note that only one additional trash cart per unit is permitted per City ordinance.
Recycling in the City of Revere is every other week. The City is divided into Green and Red Weeks for recycling purposes. See the schedule above to see if your address is on a Green or Red Schedule, and to see which color the current week falls into.
Please rinse all glass bottles, jars, tubs and plastic microwave trays/containers. Caps, lids, pumps, wraps, labels and detergent spouts may be left on. All paper and cardboard must be clean and dry. Corrugated cardboard, flatten, cut up 3' x 3' x 1' or less, box or bundle, do not use string, if cardboard will not fit into your tote, place beside or under your tote. Flatten all cardboard, cereal and snack boxes after removing plastic-coated liners. You can also recycle newspaper, white paper, colored paper, glossy newspaper inserts, brochures, junk mail, manila envelopes, phonebooks, envelopes, and brown paper bags.
All recyclables can be placed into one container. You do not have to separate your paper, plastic, metal or glass. PUT LOOSELY IN CART. Do not put IN bags (brown paper or plastic)
The Beyond the Bin search tool is next-level recycle searching.
Use it to find out how and where to donate or recycle items that can’t go in your home recycling bin and are too good to trash. Choose from the material categories listed or enter a keyword and your location, then choose an option for drop-off, pick-up, mail-in, and hit search!
Saturday DPW Disposal Services
The DPW Yard,319 Charger Street, is open on the last Saturday of each month for resident to dispose of certain items. Please follow the information below for what items can be brought to the DPW Yard for disposal.
Eligible Items
$25 each / Seniors: $15 each
Couches or love seats
Baby cribs
Entertainment center
Grills (propane tank removed)
$10 each / Seniors $5 each
Head and footboards
Office chairs (no metal)
Dining chairs
Lawn furniture
Rugs (max 4 ft. in length, no carpet)
Microwave stand
Coffee or end tables
TV stand
wood bundle (not to exceed 4-ft in length)
Appliances & Electronics ($30 each / Seniors $20 each)
Air conditioners
Trash compactor
Washing Machines
Small Household Appliances - $5 each / Seniors $3 each
Overflow Trash - $5 each / Seniors $3 each
Paint cans w/ original label - $4 each / Seniors $3 each
Tires (no rims) - $5 each / Seniors $3 each
Children Toys - $5-$10 each / Seniors $3-$5 each
Mattresses - $75 each
No Charge Items
Fluorescent light bulbs
Mercury thermometers
Mercury thermostats
Nickel cad batteries
waste oil
Not Accepted
Aerosol cans (including paint)
Construction Items/ Debris
Including but not limited to windows, doors, concrete, wood bundles, drywall etc.
Gas or gas cans
Mattress Recycling Program
***Important Changes to the Mattress Pick-Up Program***
Due to State Regulations (310 CMR 19.017), DPW can no longer pick-up mattresses or box springs effective Sunday, December 1st, 2024. For more information regarding this law visit:
Residents seeking mattress disposal services are encouraged to shop around and find the best price from authorized vendors*, such as the two companies below:
Mattress and box springs will still be accepted for drop-off at the DPW Yard, 319 Charger St., on the last Saturday of each month from 7am-12pm for $75 per piece.
*The contact information above is provided as a courtesy; the City of Revere has no contractual obligations or other relationship with either vendor, and does not endorse the services provided. Disposal of mattresses and/or box springs without use of an authorized vendor is prohibited by law.
Bulky Item
Bulky Item Pickup is now online. This refers to but not limited to: tables, chairs, sofas, love seats, bureaus, shelving, coffee tables, end tables, entertainment centers, mirrors, beds, box springs, bicycles, lawn furniture.
The definitions section is revised and includes new definitions of words as they appear throughout the ordinance. Significant additions: Commercial Trash; Commercial Trash Carts; Recyclable material; Trash Cart;
Subsection 020: Storage of Trash
On non-collection days should be placed as near to the rear or side yard and as far out of public view as practicable and secured
No plastic bags of any kind (other than recyclable “Pink Bags”) permitted on the ground
Storage containers must be watertight and rodent proof. Containers OTHER THAN City of Revere blue trash carts can be placed out for collection only during “Overflow weeks” as set out in Subsection 031.
Subsection 030: Placement of Trash for Collection
Blue, City of Revere trash carts ONLY, except only during Overflow Trash weeks (New Year’s, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas). During overflow weeks, trash in proper receptacles (no plastic bags of any type on the ground at any time except for Pink Recycling bags) can be placed for curbside collection. Trash must be in the cart, lid closed. Carts placed no earlier than 3 p.m. day before and no later than 7 a.m. day of collection, and must be removed from sidewalk no later than the end of the day following collection day
Subsection 040: Mandatory Recycling
Recyclable materials must be loosely contained in the recycling bin, not placed in plastic bags. Overflow recycling can be placed for collection on any designated recycling day in a suitable container marked “Recycling” Section 041 (B) sets out what can be recycled.
Section 8.060.050 NEW regarding commercial trash
Commercial and buildings with more than six units are not eligible for curbside pickup. BUT SEE s. 8.06.050(B) which allows certain commercial establishments (i.e. not a food establishment, not a medical facility, not in retail sales, and one that generates only such trash as would fit in one tan commercial trash cart) can have curbside collection. Commercial establishment must buy the tan trash cart through DPW.
Section 8.06.060 Bulky Items, White Goods, Yard Waste, Specialty Items
Bulky items and white goods are eligible for curbside collection after purchase of a pickup permit. Yard waste can be picked up curbside if separated from regular trash and placed in recyclable paper bags or open plastic barrels April through November. Construction debris, hazardous waste, mercury products NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CURBSIDE PICKUP.
Trash Violations
The City will issue tickets and fines for violations of the State Sanitary Code and the City Health Code. This includes violations of the trash ordinances. Fines range from $25 to $250 per offense and each day that a violation exists is considered a separate offense. Unpaid fines will be enforced by a means of a lien on real property. Violations of the City's trash laws include:
Trash placed outside before 3 PM on the day preceding collection (on holiday weeks, fines will be issued if trash is placed out before 3 PM of the day preceding the actual collection day)
Dumpsters or barrels overflowing
Accumulation of garbage or litter on property
Commercial trash placed curbside for residential collection
Construction, demolition debris, etc. prohibited from curbside collection
Yard Waste
YARD WASTE: Leaves, grass and other easily raked material will be picked up every other week on your regular trash day. Brush can be no longer than 3 inches in diameter and 4 feet long. All materials must be in brown paper leaf bags or open barrels.
Christmas Trees
Christmas trees (no yard waste) will be picked up during the first two (2) full weeks in January.
Pink Bags
The Pink Bag / Textile Recycling Program is a great way to get rid of items that can be reused. It is easy, and it saves taxpayers money too. Residents must schedule their pick-up online here
Pink bags are no longer required for the program. Bags, boxes, or any other type of storage can be placed at your front door preceding your scheduled pick-up day.
Trash and recycling is collected one day late following these holidays.
New Year’s Day - January
Martin Luther King Day - January
President's Day - February
Patriot's Day - April
Memorial Day - May
Juneteenth- June
Independence Day - July
Labor Day - September
Columbus Day - October
Veteran's Day - November
Thanksgiving Day - November
Christmas Day - December
Holidays in bold are also overflow weeks, meaning you are permitted to put out more than the single cart of trash without penalty.
Overflow Options
The City requires that each residence only place out trash in a single City-provided Trash Cart. You have two options for trash overflow.
You can bring any additional trash bags to the DPW Yard (319 Charger) on the last Saturday of the month, and pay a $3 additional fee.
In the six designated Overflow Holidays (see the Holidays section), additional barrels are permitted.
City ordinances require that Inspectional Service Department inspectors issue fines for improper overflow trash.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why do I have a new blue trash cart?
The blue trash cart is for your weekly trash disposal. Only the blue city-issued barrels may be used for weekly trash collection EXCEPT during the six weeks designated for overflow curbside pickup.
After you have logged in (create a new registration if you haven't done so), you can select "Apply for a Permit" and it will allow you to request an additional trash cart. Complete the small number of questions, and once City staff have a chance to review your request we will let you know when to pay and schedule delivery.
What if I have too much trash to fit inside my cart?
Residents have three options for overflow trash that does not fit inside the cart:
Order one extra trash cart from the City for a one-time fee of $75.
Place extra trash out on one of six designated holidays per year: Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s. Even on these holidays, trash must be placed inside a secure bin with a lid. No trash bags of any kind on the ground.
Bring your extra trash to the City Yard, 319 Charger St, Revere, on the last Saturday of each month between 7 am-noon for a $3 per bag fee.
When are the Overflow Holidays?
The six designated weeks are the weeks of New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day (Fourth of July), Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Overflow trash will be collected on your first scheduled trash collection day following the respective holiday. So, for example, if Christmas falls on Monday, overflow trash can be placed out for collection on your regularly scheduled day that week.
My lid won’t close because I have a lot of extra trash in the bin, is that ok?
No. This is called “snow-coning” and is not acceptable. To keep rodents away, all trash cart lids must be closed. To dispose of overflow trash and avoid being fined, drop it off at DPW on the last Saturday of each month between 7:00 AM and noon for $3 per bag, use a personal bin with a secure lid on a designated holiday weeks, or order an extra blue cart.
Which residents received a new trash cart?
Every unit of every building containing 6 or fewer residential units should have received a new cart.
Why do I have to pay for an additional trash cart?
The City is providing one large-capacity, high quality trash cart to all residents for free. The City of Revere is asking for a one-time cost to handle the higher capacity of trash. The reality is that the vast majority of communities charge an annual fee for overflow trash, rather than a one-time charge.
What do I do with my current trash receptacle?
Residents have the option to hang onto old barrels with covers, which can be used for six overflow holidays listed below. Barrels without covers can be used for yard waste pickup. If you would prefer that the City take away your old barrel, put the barrel out with your trash with a large and visible written note “Take This Barrel” taped on the empty barrel in question. This is to ensure no confusion by the Sanitation Collectors between barrels meant to be put out for collection and those which are not.
If you do keep your barrel for overflow collection, the barrel must have a lid securely placed on the barrel opening.
The six designated weeks for overflow trash collection are the weeks of:
New Year's Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day (Fourth of July)
Labor Day
Overflow trash will be collected on your first scheduled trash collection day following the respective holiday. So, for example, if Christmas falls on Monday, overflow trash can be placed out for collection on your regularly scheduled day that week.
What happens if I don't use my new blue trash cart?
Once the grace period ends, the City's trash collection company will ONLY take the new blue carts except during the six designated weeks listed above. If you do not use the blue trash cart during any other week, your trash will not be collected, and the City's Inspectional Services Department will be notified and you may be assessed a fine for improper trash disposal.
Why can’t residents use their own barrels instead of the new ones?
The new barrels have tracking devices that record data about trash pickups around the city. This information can be used to improve trash collection methods that could lead to tax savings in the future. Besides data collection, the tracking device helps the city track down stolen barrels, and allows the trash trucks to keep a record of where bulky items have been picked up or where there may be other issues related to trash at a certain address. The tracking devise also allows the City to record when a barrel has not been picked up. This improves communication between the City and the Sanitation Collectors. Residents should keep at least one existing barrel for the six annual overflow holiday weeks. Residents should also use the next several weeks to see whether the 65-gallon cars are adequate before rushing to purchase an additional cart. If we as a community can make our trash collection more efficient and effective, we can start to slow down the dramatic increase in trash removal expenses.
My building has 7 (or more) units, and has always had the city pick up trash previously. Why did I not receive a barrel?
Properties eligible for municipal trash collection in Revere are capped at 6 residential units. Buildings with 7 or more residences will not receive new barrels, and need to arrange private trash collection. For any property with 7 or more units that has previously received municipal trash pickup, you will have until January 1 to arrange private trash collection.
My building has more units than the number of trash carts we received. Who can I contact about that?
You should contact the City Assessor's Office at 781-286-8170, so that we can correct the information the City maintains about your property.
Can I take my blue trash cart with me when I move?
If you purchased an additional trash cart(s), it can be taken with you if you move within the City of Revere, please notify 311 of the address change. If you are moving outside of the City, the new blue carts are the property of the City of Revere and must remain with the property to which the cart is assigned. The carts are equipped with tracking devices and can be located if they are improperly removed from the assigned property.
The lid on my new blue trash cart won’t close tightly, is my lid broken?
Contact Revere 311 (781-286-8311) or and we can send a Public Works inspector to see if your cart is broken.
What should I do if my trash cart breaks?
The trash carts are built to be sturdy and resilient. If you have an issue, contact Revere 311 (781-286-8311) or
What should I do with bulky items like a couch, furniture, or white goods?
Visit to register and apply for a Bulky Item Pickup, or call 311 for assistance. The deadline for next day Bulky Item Pickup is 3:00 PM Monday through Thursday, and 10:00 AM Friday. If you apply later than that time, your items may not be eligible for pickup until the following week.
Can I put leaves or yard waste in my blue trash cart?
No. Yard waste should be put out separately in yard waste bags or open trash barrels. Find the yard waste pickup schedule online at or call 311.
What about the brown trash cart I already have?
The brown cart is NOT for trash. It is for Recycling ONLY. Recycling is collected every two weeks on your usual trash collection day. Very strict rules apply to recycling, and you may refer to the chart below. Items acceptable for recycling that contained food or other product must be rinsed cleaned before they are placed in your recycling trash cart. If you are unsure, call 311 for advice.
What do I do if my trash/recycling/bulky item wasn't picked up?
If your trash, recycling, or paid-for bulky item wasn't picked up on the regular schedule, contact Revere 311 no later than noon on the day after the missed pickup, and we will work with our Sanitation Contractor Capitol Waste to get your items picked up. If you call later than that, the pickup likely won't happen until your scheduled pickup the following week.
For any Bulky Item that was missed, be sure to email with your permit number or address and the items you are putting out, so we can reschedule the pickup of your item. Capitol Waste won't pick up any item not on their provided list for that day.